If your goal is to get better on the field for game day, running or cycling the roads or even swimming in the pool then your exercise program will have you training like an athlete.

Much as different sports and athletic pursuits may require different training they do have some basic similar needs:





Putting these together is the key to improved performance in your chosen activity.

When balancing your cardio and strength training to address the specific needs of your athletic pursuit it’s important to remember that your strength workouts are going to be anabolic, or muscle building/preserving, and your cardio exercise will be more catabolic, which will break down the muscle tissue.  Striking the perfect balance depends on the activity, but all athletic pursuits can benefit from both.  Strength training plays a critical role in maintaining or building lean muscle mass, while also protecting tendons and ligaments from overuse injuries.  Cardio benefits an athlete through improved respiratory fitness and endurance, while keeping weight down.

Try 2-3 sessions of strength training with 3-5 sessions of cardio.  Experiment with alternating cardio and strength training days and also with intensities of exercise to find the match that works for you.