Take it from us… Keeping your fitness commitment during the winter Holidays can be HARD WORK!

From busy schedules and eating on the run, to New Year’s drinks and Christmas cookies, this time of year is filled with tasty temptations and plenty of opportunities to derail exercise; We’ve put together our top tips for staying on track in the coming weeks!

Shelby H's

Holiday Fitness Tips

The holiday season is upon us! It’s an exciting time of year, but also a very challenging one when it comes to staying on track for your health and fitness goals. This is a busy season for most of us, so my biggest piece of advice when it comes to staying consistent with your workout routine is to just keep your body moving in some structured capacity. It’s not necessary to beat yourself up if you sway from your normal workout routine. Instead, trying to focus on getting more steps in that day or even doing a 10 minute stretch routine at home is better than nothing. It is important for you to actually consider how many days this holiday season are days for celebration and then compare it to how many total days are left in the year. If we say there are 30 days left in the year, and you’re spending 2 of them indulging in your favorite treats while enjoying time with loved ones, then focus on staying consistent with your goals the other 28 days.

When it comes to staying on track with your nutrition during this season, I want you to remind yourself that these foods are available to us year round, so you don’t have to stuff yourself until you can’t move. Your plate should still consist of colorful vegetables and a natural protein source. You’re not going to ruin your progress by having that slice of pie or an extra helping of potatoes! Try turning the focus for the holidays more towards spending time with friends and family rather than on eating foods you don’t regularly consume.

Consistency is key on your health journey, so you have to try your hardest not to let your choices spiral into missing multiple workouts or overindulging in your favorite foods for more than a day or two.  Don’t allow this time of year to be an excuse for you to sway from your original goals you set for yourself! You want to start the new year off strong, so continue practicing those healthy habits now!

Aaron G's

Holiday Fitness Tips

Around the holidays, we tend to eat more as we’re spending time with family, friends, and enjoying great holiday foods and desserts! For those who want to make sure you’re not eating too much and gaining weight, try to add exercise where you may not usually get it to help burn some extra calories! Take the stairs, add a little pep in your step when you walk, add an extra set in at the gym!

Don’t be afraid to enjoy holiday meals and desserts. The best nutrition plans are ones that you are happy and comfortable in. Most people who fail are the ones who are forcing themselves to eat things they don’t like, or not eat foods they love! So if you love your holiday cookies, HAVE SOME! Just know that you need to stay consistent with your workouts as well, maybe even ramp it up some, and don’t overdo it!

Remember that motivation to get in the gym can and WILL fluctuate, and that’s okay! Discipline is much more important than motivation. Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you should quit your workouts, but be kind to yourself and find strategies that work best for you to keep moving during the holiday season!

Fred M's

Holiday Fitness Tips

You can still enjoy the holidays and manage to get in a little workout. You don’t have to have a gym to get a workout in either, so travel is no excuse. Do a body-weight total body workout (I.E. Air squats, pushups, door frame rows, bodyweight lunges, plank variations, etc.). You might also want to choose taking part in various outdoor activities!

Nutrition – This is a time to enjoy but not over indulge. Food isn’t bad, just more whether it is benefitting our health and fitness goals or hurting them. Along with this also utilize the push away method and eat to just short of being full, never eat until you are stuffed.

Motivation – Our fitness journey is never ending, just always evolving and requires constant change to keep getting better with time and consistency. Change is what we have direct control of, but with any change takes time. Three forms of time exist, like that of the 3 ghosts of Christmas Carol that visited Scrooge. We have the past, which we cannot change and only learn from. We have the future which is a direct mirror of our current practices or habits so we can’t touch that right now but hopefully learn a valuable lesson from. Then we have the current time, and what we are doing now. Now is the time to change and start making a direct impact, where we can control it. So you make the choice.

Amanda K's

Holiday Fitness Tips

Are you ready for this 2023/2024 winter holiday rush? Ready or not here it comes!

This time of year is filled with lots of opportunities to challenge your fitness and nutritional goals, you just need to look at it as a good thing and enjoy the fun adventure as you enjoy time with your family and friends.

Workout: Rather than sitting on the couch after those holiday meals, bundle everyone up and take them walking. Remember to send everyone a message before so they know to bring their walking shoes along. Not only is this a great way to sneak in a workout on an already busy day but also works wonders in keeping the blood sugar in check.

Nutrition: Remember not to skip your vegetables. Breakfast is a wonderful opportunity to load up. Load that omelet with onions, red peppers, broccoli and kale then dig in and enjoy. Or maybe you are a connoisseur of oatmeal first thing in the morning; try what I do. I shred some zucchini and toss it in along with honey, coconut oil, seeds or nuts, cinnamon and oats. Heat it up and enjoy!

Motivation: To stay motivated this year, you could strategize with your family/friends about how you are going to keep each other on track. This helps you from feeling like you are the only one in the game. Maybe you decide to have a plank-off-challenge or a squat-challenge. Maybe you decide to start a group chat with your family/friends where everyone updates each other on the good choices they are making during the holiday rush.

Nick H's

Holiday Fitness Tips

The holiday can be a tricky time to stay on track with workouts and nutrition, but I’ve got you covered! Here are a couple of tips to stay on top of things!

Workout Advice: During the holidays, try to incorporate some fun and festive activities into your routine. Go for a brisk walk or jog outside to enjoy the beautiful winter scenery, or try a holiday themed workout. Also, don’t forget to prioritize strength training exercises, for example, core and glutes. Squats, lunges, and planks can help you tone those areas and stay strong.

Nutrition Tips and Motivation: Remember, it’s all about balance! Enjoy your favorite holiday treat in moderation and make sure to include plenty of fruits, veggies, and lean proteins in your meals. Stay hydrated and listen to your body’s hunger and fullness cues. And when it comes to staying motivated, set realistic goals, reward yourself for your progress, and find a workout buddy or personal trainer to keep you motivated and accountable throughout the holiday season.

Chris B's

Holiday Fitness Tips

Preparing for the holidays is fun and exciting. However, it can be tough to stay on track with your health and fitness program. My advice would be to try to stick to your regular exercise routine as much as possible. Keep your workout simple, yet effective. A total body circuit program would be great. You can do this program anywhere, use your own body weight and can modify it to fit your ability level.

Do 4 rounds of each exercise for 30 – 40 seconds.
1, Jumping Jacks
2. Push-ups
3. Squats (or chair sit to stands)
3. Planks
4. Bird Dogs
5. Reverse Lunges

Instead of trying to lose weight during the holiday season, focus more on trying to maintain your weight. Moderation is the key. Here are a few ideas to help you stay on track with your diet:
1. Eat more protein, fruit and veggies
2. Use portion control. It’s okay to sample sweets treats, but use a small plate
3. Don’t skip meals. Try to eat small meals throughout the day.
4. Drink water before your meals

Keeping up your motivation during the holidays can also be a challenge, Make exercise fun!
1. Work out with a friend
2. Take a walk
3. Try a winter sport like ice skating or cross country skiing
4. Hire a personal trainer
5. Try a new exercise class, like Suspension Training!